Answers to commonly asked questions appear here. If you don't find a solution, please contact us at info@automated.ai

We bill you for server cost based on AWS usage plus a monthly fee for algorithm. We bill in the first couple of days of the month for the previous month. We take into account that you may want to try things so we don't bill a monthly charge for algorithm running less than a day.
Algorithm Cloud is a tool to deploy algorithms in a product web server, with proper security. It handles re-deployments, versioning, and scheduling of algorithms.
We are constantly working to the best product possible so if you need something, there is a good change another customer might need it so we would love to hear what you need and potentially can put it into our product. info@automated.ai
Contact us at info@automated.ai we want an error free platform!
We have a good network of machine learning and deep learning practitioners along with offering certain consulting services ourselves. Please contact us with your needs and we will do our best to help! info@automated.ai